Tabernacle with Display of the Blessed Sacrament

Wood, Metal, Brass
Two-tone, Gold, Varnished
The company creates tabernacles for altars (free-standing) or for walls (built-in). It also produces tabernacles that allow a 360° view of the Blessed Sacrament.
Tabernacles have different sizes, with bronze rays tha can be simple, but also elegant or more classic and full of religious symbology.
Some of the doors are realized by unique drawings by the company chiseller (who attended the Accademy of Beauty Arts in Brera, in Milan). Other doors are made in melting bronze or also by the electrical chemical production (elettroformatura), which is a technique that allows more precision in what is the art of creation of a low relief.
Materials which compose those tabernacles are: bronze, iron and wood. The internal walls are in golden brass.
High security locks provided of 3 keys are used for these kind of tabernacles.
Cheaper and smaller tabernacles are also available for chapels or little churches.

Finishings can be silver, gilded or two-colors. There is also the posibility to create personalized tabernacles or to restore those which are old.

Metallic parts of tabernacles are externally painted with Vitrex, a transparent film to protect the finiture from fingerprints, dust and moisture.

Art. 323;
brass plates;
melted brass;
sizes 35x35x46 cm - door 36x26 cm;
Wood, Metal, Brass
Two-tone, Gold, Varnished
35 cm
35 cm
46 cm
Made in Italy