1. Services; Service Provider; contacts.
1.1 The website (the “Website”) is a virtual and professional space dedicated to the religious world where sellers and buyers may meet easily and quickly: a portal presenting virtual showcases that allows visitors to view products or services, obtain advertisers’ contacts and to contact them directly if they wish. It should be noted that the website is not an “e-commerce” platform and is not used for online purchases: visitors and advertisers can conduct transactions outside the Website.
1.2 Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 70 dated 9 April 2003, “Service Provider” refers to the company “Conference Service S.r.l.”, with registered office at via Lasie no. 10, Imola (BO), Italy, postal code 40026, VAT number, Tax Code and registration number in the Bologna Companies Register 03134010374, REA BO – 268879 (hereinafter referred to as “Provide”). “Visitor” refers to the user who visits the website in order to view its content and possibly to contact Advertisers. “Advertiser” refers to the professional user who uses the website in order to display his/her products or services to the public in virtual showcases. The above defined terms may be used either in the singular or plural.
1.3 The Provider can be reached by telephone at the following number: +39 0542 011750 or by email at the following address: All contact details are available in the “CONTACTS” area of the website.
2. Registration.
2.1 Visits to the website are free and open to all: Visitors can freely browse all displayed products and/or services and, if interested, may contact Advertisers by means of the “Information request” function, available on the website, or by contacting the Advertiser directly..
2.2 Moreover, the Visitor can register free of charge and therefore access the reserved area “my ereligio”. This allows the Visitor to create a list of his/her favourite products and/or services and to compare them. Additionally, registered Visitors who want to be updated on the latest releases and news can subscribe to the newsletter, which is not automatically received upon registration. In order to register, the visitor must be of legal age.
2.3 For registration purposes, the Visitor must fill in all the required fields in the relative form (those marked with a red asterisk are mandatory) and guarantee under his/her own responsibility that the information is complete, correct, accurate and that it refers exclusively to his/her person. Therefore, the Visitor is advised to carefully check the information entered before submitting the registration form. For any possible correction of such information following completion of the registration, the Visitor may contact the Provider through the channels specified in paragraph 1.3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The visitor is advised to read the General Terms and Conditions of Use and the privacy policy at the moment of registration, which may be accessed by clicking on the specific links contained in the registration form. Once the registration process is completed, the Provider will send the Visitor a welcome message via e-mail. Registration is free of charge. The registration form is available in the following languages: Italian and English; in the event of any discrepancy, the Italian version shall prevail. These General Terms and Conditions of Use are available in the following languages: Italian and English; in the event of any discrepancy, the Italian version shall prevail.
2.4 The Visitor is strongly advised to keep his/her username and password confidential and not to allow their use by other parties, since the Provider cannot in any way be held liable in the event of access to his/her account by unauthorized third parties. If the Visitor believes that his/her username and password have been breached, he/she must immediately inform the Provider through the contacts specified in paragraph 1.3 so that the necessary measures may be adopted.
2.5 For the provision of services, the use of electronic mail (e-mail) and telephone communication channels is required. To this end, the user, by entering his/her contact details in the registration form, agrees to be contacted by the Provider by such means.
3. Duration and termination.
3.1 The Visitor’s registration on the Website will be considered complete upon receiving the welcome message via e-mail and will remain valid and effective until the Visitor decides to cancel. The Visitor may cancel his/her registration at any time by informing the Provider of his/her intention to do so through one of the contact channels listed in paragraph 1.3 or by using the specific function “DELETE ACCOUNT”. In such case, the CS will delete the Visitor’s account without undue delay and will send a confirmation e-mail to the Visitor upon deletion. However, it should be noted that some of the Visitor's personal data may be retained in order to comply with legal requirements or binding provisions of the public authorities, mainly for tax purposes. Said data will be stored for a period of not more than 10 (ten) years during which they will not be disclosed to third parties (except to fulfil the aforementioned requirements) or disseminated or processed for purposes other than those specified above.
3.2 The Provider reserves the right to cancel the registration of any Visitor found to be in breach of the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions of Use or in the event that the data provided are incomplete, inaccurate or incorrect, without prejudice to the right of the Provider to obtain compensation for any damage suffered. The Provider also reserves the right to temporarily suspend the services without notice in the event of technical failures or malfunctions or for the time required to carry out any necessary repairs or work to improve the quality of the same services. The provision of services may also be interrupted at any time for security reasons or if so ordered by the public authorities. None of the above entails any obligation for compensation to be paid by the Provider.
4. Quality of services; Provider and Visitor responsibilities.
4.1 While the Provider does its best to ensure the highest quality, accuracy and continuity of the services, and without prejudice to the limits imposed by law, these services are provided free of charge and the Visitor agrees to use them as they are. Therefore, the Provider does not guarantee the quality and accuracy of the interface and content of the Website, its proper functioning, absence of interruptions or suspensions, or the compliance of the services with the user’s expectations and/or specific purposes for which the latter uses them.
4.2 Furthermore, the Provider is responsible neither for the content published on the Website by Advertisers nor for the effective correspondence of the products and services advertised with the products or services actually sold.
4.3 It is also expressly understood that the Provider will not be party to any contractual relationship that may be established between Visitors and Advertisers in relation to the purchase of products or services advertised on the Website. This relationship will be negotiated and concluded between the respective parties through private contacts and not through the Website.
4.4 While browsing the Website and using its functions, the Visitor undertakes to behave with the utmost propriety, in accordance with the law and not contrary to public order and decency, refraining from any conduct that could harm the rights, interests, image, reputation and the good name of the Provider, the Website and the Advertisers. Where this is not the case, the Visitor will be required to compensate the Provider and, if applicable, the Advertisers for any damage, whether direct or indirect, cost, expense and harm in general suffered by them in relation to the above.
5. Amendment and updating of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
These General Terms and Conditions of Use are regularly updated and amended, also in light of changing regulatory requirements. New General Terms and Conditions of Use will be valid and effective starting from their publication on the Website. A link to the General Terms and Conditions of Use is available at the bottom ("footer") of the Website.
6. Customer service.
The Visitor can request any information by contacting the Provider through the channels listed in paragraph 1.3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.
7. Processing of personal data.
7.1 In compliance with articles 13 (for data collected from the data subject) and 14 (for data not collected from the data subject) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), all users of this Website are provided with information contained at this link (privacy policy), which refers exclusively to the processing carried out by this Website and not by any other website or third parties (e.g., advertisers) of which the user may have become aware through the Website itself. With regard to any data processing carried out by other websites or third parties, users are advised to read all the relevant information provided by respective Data Controllers.
7.2 Therefore, it remains understood that the so-called "advertisers" and/or other third parties connected to the platform will be respectively Independent Data Controllers for all the data received by the same for the services offered by them. Conference Service is therefore not responsible in any way for the processing they carry out.
8. Applicable law and settlement of disputes.
8.1 Notwithstanding mandatory consumer protection provisions (where applicable) and without prejudice to the provisions of art. 6, paragraph 2, Regulation (CE) No. 593/2008 (where applicable), these General Terms and Conditions of Use are subject to Italian law.
8.2 Notwithstanding the obligation to pursue out-of-court dispute resolution procedures (e.g., Article 5, paragraph 1-bis, Legislative Decree No. 28/2010; Article 1, paragraph 11, Law No. 249/1997), the Provider informs the Visitor that the European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (ODR) platform: an official website managed by the European Commission to help both consumers and traders to resolve their disputes out of court. Customers, therefore, have the right of recourse to this solution whenever they consider their rights have been infringed by the Seller, with regard to an online transaction, by accessing the following link: and entering the following e-mail: as that of the CS.
8.3 Before proceeding as stated above, the Provider invites the Visitor to contact them directly through the channels specified in paragraph 1.3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. The Provider offers an attentive service to customers and strives to adopt increasingly high standards in the management and resolution of complaints and support requests from users. The Provider will therefore seek to reach a reasonable and satisfactory solution for the Visitor and the issue raised will also serve as an opportunity to further improve the services provided.
8.4 Any disputes arising in relation to these General Terms and Conditions of Use shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of the place of domicile or residence of the Visitor (in the case of consumers) or exclusively the Court of Bologna (in all other cases).
1. Services; Provider’s identity; contacts.
1.1 The website (the “Website”) is a virtual and professional space dedicated to the religious world where sellers and buyers can meet easily and quickly. It allows visitors to virtually view products or services, obtain the contact details of the advertisers and to contact them directly if they so wish. It should be noted that the website is not an “e-commerce” platform since it does not allow online purchases: transactions between visitors and advertisers can be made outside of the Website.
1.2 Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree no. 70 dated 9 April 2003, “Service Provider” refers to the company “Conference Service S.r.l.”, with registered office at via Lasie no. 10, Imola (BO), Italy, postal code 40026, VAT number, Tax Code and registration number in the Bologna Companies Register 03134010374, REA BO – 268879 (hereinafter referred to as “CS”). “Visitor” refers to the user who visits the website in order to view its content and possibly to contact Advertisers. “Advertiser” refers to the professional user who uses the website in order to display his/her products or services to the public in virtual showcases. The above defined terms may be used either in the singular or plural.
1.3 The Provider can be reached by telephone at the following number: +39 0542 011750 or by email at the following address: All contact details are available in the “CONTACTS” area of the website.
2. Subscription and services.
2.1 In order to use the services offered by the Provider, the Advertiser must register and sign up for a paid subscription.
2.2 Two different forms of subscription are available:
- “Ereligio Start”, which includes the following: Company account; Publication of products/services (without a quantitative limit);
- “Ereligio Premium”, in addition to that already provided with the “Ereligio Start” subscription, this also offers: Publication of a pdf catalogue; Video upload; QRcode; Noticeboard; Highlights (30 days); Top ranking in search results (15 days); Website banner slide (30 days); News on the homepage; Newsletter banner (1 release); News article in newsletter (1 release).
2.3 Regardless of whether the Advertiser has an “Ereligio Start” or “Ereligio Premium” subscription, he/she may supplement his/her subscription with additional paid services, listed in ATTACHMENT B (“Extra plan opportunities”). Among these additional services, there is the “Outlet B2B” service, which provides for the publication of listings of goods or services in stock, in a specific area. If the Visitor is interested, the Advertiser may receive a request from the latter through the platform messaging system or through a message sent directly using the contact details listed on his/her company profile. It remains understood that, even in this case, any transaction between Visitor and Advertiser is not concluded on the Website platform, but negotiated directly between them, using methods that the interested parties consider most appropriate. Since part of the payment made by the Advertiser to the Provider in relation to the B2B Outlet service is calculated in proportion to the turnover generated by the Advertiser from the sales of products or services achieved as a result of their publication in said area (regardless of whether the Advertiser is contacted through the platform messaging system or directly by the Visitor), the Advertiser must send to the Provider a quarterly report of all the products or services sold so that the latter can process the relative variable payment. Invoicing will take place within 15 (fifteen) days of receipt of the report and the payment must be made by the Advertiser within the next 30 (thirty) days via bank transfer. The Provider, in order to correctly make this variable payment, may at any time request and obtain from the Advertiser the accounting and/or tax documentation deemed necessary or appropriate to verify the turnover on which to calculate said variable payment.
2.4 ATTACHMENT A contains all the services and the relative price list for subscriptions. ATTACHMENT B contains the list of additional services (“Extra-plan opportunities”). This second attachment also contains the relative price list of the extra opportunities and a handbook that describes how they work and contains the relative technical specifications. The Advertiser declares to have read and to fully accept the contents of ATTACHMENTS A and B.
2.5 The Provider accepts the following payment methods:
- Advance bank transfer
While filling in the subscription form, the Advertiser will choose one of them. Under no circumstances will the Advertiser be charged higher costs than those actually incurred by the Provider in relation to the chosen method of payment.
2.6 For registration and subscription purposes, the Advertiser must fill in all the required fields in the relative form (those marked with a red asterisk are mandatory) and guarantee under his/her own responsibility that the information is complete, correct, accurate and that it refers exclusively to his/her person. Therefore, the Advertiser is advised to carefully check the information entered before submitting the registration form. For any possible correction of such information following completion of the registration, the Advertiser may contact the Provider through the channels specified in paragraph 1.3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use. Advertiser’s wishing to subscribe must be a professional, entrepreneur or a trading company. If a natural person, he/she must be of legal age. Consumers may not subscribe (as defined by art. 4, par. 1, lett. a), of Directive 2013/11/EU). At the moment of registration, the Advertiser is advised to read these "General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription" and the privacy policy which can be accessed by clicking on the specific links in the subscription form. The signing of the subscription form by the Advertiser does not oblige the Provider to contract with the Advertiser and/or to allow him/her to access the services, since signing said form is merely a request by the Advertiser to join the platform. The Provider has the right to accept or reject the request at his/her complete discretion. Once the request has been accepted, the Provider will send the Advertiser a welcome e-mail, which will include a summary of the subscription purchased and the services included therein, the price (showing the applicable taxes) and the method of payment used, as well as a reference to these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription. The Provider will keep an electronic copy of the subscription signed by the Advertiser. The latter may view the type of subscription purchased at any time by accessing his/her own reserved area. There is also a link to these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription in the footer of the Website.
2.7 The subscription form is available in the following languages: Italian and English; in the event of any discrepancy, the Italian version shall prevail. These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription are available in the following languages: Italian and English; in the event of any discrepancy, the Italian version shall prevail
2.8 The Advertiser is strongly advised to keep his/her username and password strictly confidential and not to allow their use by other parties, since the Provider cannot in any way be held liable in the event of access to his/her account by unauthorized third parties. If the Advertiser believes that his/her username and password have been breached, he/she must immediately inform the Provider through the contact details specified in paragraph 1.3 so that the necessary measures may be adopted..
2.9 For the provision of services, the use of electronic mail (e-mail) and telephone communication channels is required. To this end, the Advertiser, by entering his/her contact details in the registration form, agrees to be contacted by the Provider by such means.
3. Duration; termination; suspension.
3.1 Registration on the Website and activation of the subscription will be considered complete upon receipt by the Advertiser of the welcome e-mail and will remain valid and effective for 12 (twelve) months. Upon expiry of said term, the subscription will be deemed to have lapsed and the Provider will cease to provide any services to the Advertiser unless the latter renews the subscription for the following period. Automatic renewal of the subscription is expressly excluded.
3.2 The Provider reserves the right to terminate the agreement early in the event of any breach by the Advertiser of any of the obligations resulting from these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription, having previously requested the latter to comply, and giving notice of at least 15 (fifteen) in respect of the effective date of termination. The Provider will also have the right to terminate the subscription agreement with immediate effect in the event that the Advertiser has provided incomplete, untrue or incorrect data, or (if a natural person) is not of legal age or is a consumer, as well as in any case of significant non-fulfilment on the part of the Advertiser. Henceforth, the parties agree that, pursuant to art 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, significant non-fulfilment shall be understood as failure to pay any of the sums due under the subscription agreement (including those for additional services) and these General Terms Conditions of Use and Subscription or any breach of any of the following clauses: 5.1, 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 10.2, 10.4. In all the cases referred to in this paragraph, the Provider will have the right, by way of a penalty, to withhold all the sums paid by the Advertiser and to collect the sums due contractually and not yet paid by the Advertiser, without prejudice to the right to seek compensation for greater damages. However, the CS will not be required to pay any reimbursement, indemnity or compensation.
3.3 The Advertiser will have the right to terminate the subscription agreement early, after sending a warning to fulfil, giving notice of at least 15 (fifteen) days in respect of the effective date of the termination, in the event of significant non-fulfilment on the part of the Provider. In such case, the Provider will be required to reimburse the Advertiser part of the sums paid by the latter, calculated pro rata temporis in proportion to the subscription period not used and/or the part of services not used, while the Advertiser will be required to pay the Provider any amounts contractually due pro rata temporis up to the effective termination date that may be outstanding. Under no circumstances will the Advertiser be granted any indemnity, penalty, or compensation, except in the event of wilful misconduct or gross negligence by the Provider.
3.4 Finally, each of the parties may terminate the subscription agreement early with immediate effect in the event that one or more of the following circumstances apply:
- the other party is subject to liquidation procedures - even voluntary - bankruptcy, arrangement with creditors or other insolvency procedures;
- seizure or forced sale of more than 10% of the other party's assets, as indicated in the latest approved financial statements;
- appointment, at the expense of the other party, of a court-appointed administrator of the company’s assets.
Even in such cases, the Provider will be required to reimburse the Advertiser part of the sums paid by the latter, calculated pro rata temporis in proportion to the subscription period not used and/or the part of services not used, while the Advertiser will be required to pay the Provider any amounts contractually due pro rata temporis up to the effective termination date that may be outstanding. Under no circumstances will the Advertiser be granted any indemnity, penalty, or compensation, except in the event of wilful misconduct or gross negligence by the Provider.
3.5 In the event of withdrawal or termination for any reason of the subscription agreement, the Provider will cease to provide services to the Advertiser, who will lose all rights deriving from the subscription agreement and from these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription (unless otherwise explicitly provided for). The Provider will also delete the Advertiser's account without undue delay, removing his/her profile from the Website along with the products/services advertised by the same, his/her brands, videos, QR codes, and banners. The Provider may choose not to delete historical content published during the period of subscription such as advertorials, articles and reports, catalogues, photos, descriptions of the Advertiser’s products/services, which the Provider will be entitled to keep online. Once deleted, a confirmation e-mail will be sent to the Advertiser. It should be noted that some of the Advertiser's personal data may be retained in order to comply with legal requirements or binding provisions of the public authorities, mainly for tax purposes. Said data will be stored for a period of not more than 10 (ten) years during which they will not be disclosed to third parties (except to fulfil the aforementioned requirements) or disseminated or processed for purposes other than those specified above..
3.6 In all cases of withdrawal or termination for any reason of the subscription agreement, the Provider will retain the right to receive any sum due under the subscription agreement (including those for additional services) or these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription up until the effective date of withdrawal or termination of the contract.
3.7 The Provider also reserves the right to temporarily suspend the provision of services without notice in the event of technical failures or malfunctions or for the time required to carry out any necessary repairs or work to improve the quality of the same services. The provision of services may also be interrupted at any time for security reasons or if so ordered by the public authorities. In any of the aforementioned cases, the service suspension will not affect the terms of the subscription agreement or the obligations assumed by the Advertiser thereunder unless the suspension period exceeds 30 (thirty) days. In the latter case, the duration of the subscription agreement and additional services will be automatically extended for a time equal to the suspension period, with the Advertiser’s obligations remaining unaffected and excluding any kind of reimbursement, compensation, penalty or compensation.
4. Quality of services, Provider’s liability and force majeure.
4.1 While the Provider does its best to ensure the highest quality, accuracy and continuity of the services, and without prejudice to the limits imposed by law, these services are provided free of charge and the Advertiser agrees to use them as they are. Therefore, the Provider does not guarantee the quality and accuracy of the interface and content of the Website, its proper functioning, absence of interruptions or suspensions, or the compliance of the services with the Advertiser’s expectations and/or specific purposes for which the latter uses them.
4.2 Furthermore, the Provider is not required to check the content published by other Advertisers and, therefore, is not liable for the same or with regard to any violations of the Advertiser's intangible rights, breaches of competition rules or to any damage to the image or reputation of the Advertiser.
4.3 The Provider will not be liable vis-a-vis the Advertiser or third parties in the event of delays, malfunctions, suspensions and/or interruptions of the Website activity or in the provision of services caused by: (a) force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances; (b) interruption of the electricity supply; (c) lack of connectivity, software errors and hardware failures, database problems, malfunctions, lack of provision of pages and/or images, algorithms errors and, in general, computer malfunctions that are not attributable to the wilful misconduct and/or gross negligence of the Provider and/or that are attributable to the acts of a third party, including any suppliers used by the CS. Pursuant to the above, "force majeure" refers to any event which is beyond the reasonable control of the Provider and that prevents or delays the execution of contractual services, including for example: strikes, lockouts, riots, civil wars, invasions, wars, government measures, state of emergency declarations, terrorist attacks, natural events such as fires, explosions, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, epidemics and/or other natural disasters. Without prejudice to the above, where the liability of the CS is ascertained due to non-fulfilment or incorrect fulfilment of the subscription contract and/or these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription, the Provider shall pay the Advertiser––within the maximum limits––an amount equal to the amount owed to the CS by the Advertiser in fees for the subscription agreement in effect on the date of occurrence of the damaging event (except in cases of wilful misconduct or gross negligence). In any case, indirect and consequential damages are excluded, such as, for example, those relating to image, interruption of operations, or lost opportunities.
5. Intellectual property of the Provider.
5.1 With the conclusion of the subscription contract and contracts for any other services, the Provider does not in any way grant the Advertiser any right regarding the ownership and use of the "ereligio" trademark or any other trademark or distinctive sign attributable to the Website and/or to the Provider. Accordingly, the Advertiser acknowledges that said rights are fully owned by the Provider’s rights and undertakes:
- not to use signs in their company name that are identical or similar to the “ereligio” trademark or to any other trademark or distinctive sign attributable to the Website and/or to the Provider;
- not to use for any reason signs that are the same or similar to the “ereligio” trademark or to any other trademark or distinctive sign attributable to the Website and/or to the Provider;
- not to file registration applications for trademarks that have identical or similar signs to the "ereligio" trademark or to any other trademark or distinctive sign attributable to the Website and/or to the Provider;
- not to seek to register or use domain names similar to the domain of the Website or to other names attributable to the Website and/or to the Provider;
- not to file registration applications concerning, for example, texts, images, sounds or other materials owned by or used by the Provider.
5.2 The obligations under this article are valid worldwide and shall remain in force even after the termination, for any reason, of the subscription contract.
5.3 Pursuant to Law no. 633 of 22 April 1941, as amended, the Provider is the creator and author of the Website and all related rights are reserved by said CS. The Website, the software, the IT architecture of the Website, codes, methods, algorithms, technical, creative or organizational improvements, updates, releases, and any and all functionality of the Website itself are all properties of the Provider. The Provider is therefore recognized as having full ownership of the software, know-how, computer programs (application and operational), codes, related adaptations, modifications and customizations, information and data contained therein. The Advertiser acknowledges and accepts that the catalogue/catalogues, the newsletter and in general all editorial and informative materials and products that will be created by the Provider are the exclusive property of the latter.
6. Intellectual property of the Advertiser.
6.1 The Advertiser acknowledges and grants to the Provider a free non-exclusive license extended worldwide for the use, reproduction, publication, display, adaptation, and modification of any company, trademark, domain or other distinctive sign of the Advertiser or of the products or services advertised by the latter on the Website, for the sole purpose of executing the subscription contract and other services requested. It remains understood that the Provider will cease to use these distinctive signs upon termination, for any reason, of the subscription contract, except for historical content published during the period of subscription such as advertorials, articles and reports, catalogues, photos, descriptions of the Advertiser’s products/services, which the Provider will be entitled to keep online.
6.2 The Advertiser declares and guarantees to have full and free ownership of and the right to use the distinctive signs referred to above, undertaking to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider from any damage, direct or indirect, or prejudice in general, including any claims or actions of third parties, which the same Provider may suffer in relation to any violations of copyright or industrial rights or of fair competition rules.
7. Confidentiality.
7.1 Each party undertakes, for the entire duration of the subscription contract and also thereafter, to keep secret and to refrain from disclosing, either directly or indirectly, communicating to third parties or, in any case, disseminating in any form the confidential information revealed by the other party or from making it accessible to the public. Each party undertakes to ensure that this confidentiality obligation is observed by its employees, consultants, collaborators and third-party contractors and shall be liable under art. 1381 of the Italian Civil Code in the event of any violations by said persons of this confidentiality obligation.
7.2 For the purposes of the previous paragraph, "confidential information" means all information that can reasonably be considered confidential such as that of a technical, commercial, financial, strategic nature, together with all documents, also prepared by the receiving party, which contain the aforesaid information. "Confidential information" is not considered to be that which: (i) is or becomes publicly available for reasons other than the violation of the preceding paragraph or (ii) has been independently learned by the receiving party or (iii) has been legitimately disclosed due to a legal obligation or a binding provision of any Italian or foreign authority or (iv) has been disclosed to the receiving party by a third party who is not bound by any obligation of confidentiality with regard to the same information.
8. Advertiser guarantee.
8.1 The Advertiser expressly acknowledges that the Provider cannot in any way be considered part of the sales transactions concluded by the Advertiser with Visitors following the advertising of its products or services through the Website. Accordingly, the Provider will never be liable for any requests, claims or actions by the purchasers of such products or services and, consequently, the Advertiser undertakes to indemnify and hold harmless the Provider from any damage, direct or indirect, cost, expense or harm in general, including any claim or action brought by third parties or damage to its image that the Provider may suffer in relation to the sales made by the Advertiser.
8.2 In any case, the Advertiser undertakes to conduct itself in accordance with the principles of commercial fairness, to advertise its products or services on the Website in a truthful, complete, and non-misleading manner and to offer its buyers all the guarantees and after-sales services required by the applicable law and industry best practice. Furthermore, the Advertiser, by using the Website, undertakes to behave with the utmost propriety, in accordance with the law and not contrary to public order and decency, refraining from any conduct that could harm the rights, interests, image, reputation and the good name of the Provider, the Website, other Advertisers and Visitors. Where this is not the case, the Advertiser will be required to compensate the Provider and, if applicable, the Visitors for any damage, whether direct or indirect, cost, expense and harm in general suffered by them in relation to the above.
8.3 The Advertiser shall refrain from any conduct that could lead to confusion among the public and its buyers between its legal entity and commercial identity and those of the Provider.
9. Amendment and updating of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription.
9.1 These Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription are regularly updated and amended, also in light of changing regulatory requirements. The new General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription will be valid and effective starting from their publication on the Website. It is therefore advisable to frequently consult these Terms and Conditions, at least upon the renewal of each new subscription contract. There is also a link to these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription in the footer of the Website.
10. General provisions.
10.1 Tolerance, including when prolonged, by one party of any breach of the subscription contract or of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription by the other party implies neither acquiescence to the breach nor a waiver of the rights of the non-defaulting party in relation to such breaches.
10.2 The Advertiser cannot assign the subscription contract or additional services without the prior written consent of the Provider.
10.3 The Advertiser and the Provider are both independent and autonomous legal persons. Nothing contained in the subscription contract or in these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription can be interpreted in such a way as to suggest that between the Advertiser and the Provider there exists or has been established a company, an association, a joint venture, an agency or franchise agreement, a mandate or agency agreement or an employment relationship. Neither party has the power to represent the other and, therefore, to make statements, formulate or accept proposals or offers in the name or on behalf of the other party.
10.5 Neither the subscription contract nor these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription have the effect or the intention of giving rise to any exclusive right of any of the parties.
10.6 Communications between Provider and Advertiser related to the subscription contract, the additional services and these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription shall be by certified e-mail (PEC) sent to the addresses indicated on the subscription form and/or in the publicly available registers (Chambers of Commerce, INI-PEC, etc.). If a PEC address is not available, communications sent by ordinary e-mail with confirmation of receipt will be valid.
11. Processing of Personal Data.
11.1 In compliance with art. 13 (for the data collected from the data subject) and 14 (for data not collected from the data subject) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR), all users of this Website are provided with information contained at this link (privacy policy), which refers exclusively to the processing carried out by this Website and not by any other website or third parties (e.g., advertisers) of which the user may have become aware through the Website itself. With regard to any data processing carried out by other websites or third parties, users are advised to read all the relevant information provided by the respective Data Controllers.
11.2 It therefore remains understood that the "Advertiser" (and/or other third parties connected to the platform) will be Independent Data Controllers for all the data received by the same for the services offered. Conference Service is therefore not responsible in any way for the processing they carry out.
12. Applicable laws and settlement of disputes.
12.1 These General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription (and the individual subscription and service contracts regulated by the same) are subject to Italian law.
12.2 Notwithstanding the obligation to pursue out-of-court dispute resolution procedures (for example, where applicable: Article 5 of Legislative Decree No. 28/2010; Article 1, paragraph 11, Law No. 249/1997), the Seller invites the Advertiser, before proceeding against the same, to contact him/her directly through the channels indicated in paragraph 1.3 of these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription. The Provider offers attentive service to customers and strives to adopt increasingly high standards in the management and resolution of complaints and support requests from its Advertisers. The Provider will therefore seek to reach a reasonable and satisfactory solution for the Advertiser and the issue raised will also serve as an opportunity to further improve the services provided.
12.3 Any disputes arising in relation to these General Terms and Conditions of Use and Subscription (and the individual subscription and service contracts regulated by the same) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Court of Bologna without prejudice to the right of the Provider to apply to a different court in order to bring actions aimed at collecting receivables from the Advertiser, whether these are summary, provisional, enforcement or any other type of proceedings.