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The Mysterious Sacred Objects: Everything You Need to Know About Ex-Votos

The ex-votos, also known as 'votive offerings',  are sacred objects  that are offered to the saints and to Our Lady, as a sign of thanksgiving for graces received or as a request for protection.Their use has ancient roots, dating back to ancient Greece and imperial Rome, where they were offered as a sign of thanks for divine protection and healing from diseases. These sacred objects have become very popular over the years, so much so that they have given rise to a real tradition in some cultures and religions, in addition, they also have an important protective attribution and are a lucky charm for those who own them becoming a symbol of shield against the adversities of life. 

The ex-votos can be of various types: hearts, hands, legs, arms or even whole figures in silver or other precious materials.

Ex-voto heart: the meaning of one of the most beloved symbols of the Christian tradition

One of  the most common ex-votos is the heart-shaped one, which represents love and devotion for the Lord. This symbol is usually made of silver, a metal believed to be sacred, and can be engraved with prayers, images or dedications. It can also often be associated with the figure of St. Valentine, patron saint of lovers, but it can also be offered to ask for protection and  blessing for one's family or work.

Silver ex-voto: the beauty and importance of sacred objects made with this precious metal

Silver has always been one of the most used metals for the creation of sacred objects and votive offerings, perfect as a symbol of devotion and spirituality. Its beauty and shine make it ideal and its creation can be very detailed and can involve the use of techniques such as engraving and casting.